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Welcome to the DEHORS project!

(DEveloping innovative learning contexts in pre-scHools’ OutdooR Spaces)

DEHORS about air-ballon DEHORS about air-ballon


The DEHORS project focuses on the fact that outdoor activities can regularly take place in pre-schools, however their quality particularly in terms of learning needs to be improved. The partnership of the project believes there is a need to reflect and improve the pedagogical use of outdoor spaces of pre-schools in order to promote children's learning.

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The output consists of two innovative models of innovative outdoor learning space in pre-schools, as follows:
Model A – Creation of new pre-school outdoor learning environment.
Model B – Re-designing of existing pre-school outdoor setting.

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The E-learning space consists of a course based on several lessons and tutorials for pre-school teachers. This online resource will be built on the results of the guide. The focus will be on "hands-on" experience.

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